On Saturday Rabi Al Awwal 21st 1437 AH (January 2nd 2016) the despotic Saudi regime e x e c u t ed a great religious scholar and free-spirited man...
Makarem.ir8 سال قبل
In the morning of December 13th 2015 the home of Shaykh Zakzaki, the leader of Shia Muslims in Nigeria was surrounded by the Nigerian Army over a flimsy excuse. The Nigerian Army, then, suddenly began a full-on assault on the innocent Shias present there and killed them all…
Makarem.ir9 سال قبل
Ibrahim Yaqoub El-Zakzaki is a 62-year-old Shia cleric whose great efforts since 1980s have led to the conversion of millions of Nigerians to the school of the Ahl-al-Bayt (a)...
Makarem.ir9 سال قبل